2024-07-16 08:00:29 +08:00

211 lines
4.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package lws_vfs;
service LwsVfs {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
rpc fgetattr(getattr) returns (getattr) {}
rpc fsetxattr(setxattr) returns (setxattr) {}
rpc faccess(access) returns (access) {}
rpc freaddir(readdir) returns (readdir) {}
rpc fread(read) returns (read) {}
rpc fopen(open) returns (open) {}
rpc fwrite(write) returns (write) {}
rpc fgetxattr(getxattr) returns (getxattr) {}
rpc ftruncate(truncate) returns (truncate) {}
rpc futimens(utimens) returns (utimens) {}
rpc fchown(chown) returns (chown) {}
rpc frelease(release) returns (release) {}
rpc fmkdir(mkdir) returns (mkdir) {}
rpc frmdir(rmdir) returns (rmdir) {}
rpc fflush(flush) returns (flush) {}
rpc fopendir(opendir) returns (opendir) {}
rpc freleasedir(releasedir) returns (releasedir) {}
rpc fcreate(create) returns (create) {}
rpc funlink(unlink) returns (unlink) {}
rpc frename(rename) returns (rename) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest { string name = 1; }
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply { string message = 1; }
message file_info {
int32 flags = 1;
uint32 fh_old = 2;
bool direct_io = 3;
uint64 fh = 10;
uint64 lock_owner = 11;
message fstat {
uint64 fst_mode = 1;
uint64 fst_ino = 2;
uint64 fst_dev = 3;
uint64 fst_rdev = 4;
uint64 fst_nlink = 5;
uint64 fst_uid = 6;
uint64 fst_gid = 7;
uint64 fst_size = 8;
uint64 fst_atime = 9;
uint64 fst_mtime = 10;
uint64 fst_ctime = 11;
uint64 fst_blksize = 12;
uint64 fst_blocks = 13;
// fuse api function message define:
message getattr {
string path = 1;
fstat stat = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message setxattr {
string path = 1;
string name = 2;
bytes value = 3;
int64 size = 4;
uint32 flags = 5;
int32 ret = 15;
message getxattr {
string path = 1;
string name = 2;
bytes value = 3;
int64 size = 4;
int32 ret = 15;
message access {
string path = 1;
uint32 mask = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message readdir {
string path = 1;
repeated string dirs = 2;
uint32 offset = 3;
file_info fi = 4;
int32 ret = 15;
message open {
string path = 1;
file_info fi = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message read {
string path = 1;
bytes buff = 2;
int64 size = 3;
int64 offset = 4;
file_info fi = 5;
int32 ret = 15;
message write {
string path = 1;
bytes buff = 2;
int64 size = 3;
int64 offset = 4;
file_info fi = 5;
int32 ret = 15;
message truncate {
string path = 1;
int64 size = 3;
int32 ret = 15;
message timespec {
int32 tv_sec = 1;
int64 tv_nsec = 2;
message utimens {
string path = 1;
repeated timespec ts = 2; // const struct timespec ts[2]
int32 ret = 15;
message chown {
string path = 1;
int32 uid = 2;
int32 gid = 3;
int32 ret = 15;
message release {
string path = 1;
file_info fi = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message mkdir {
string path = 1;
file_info fi = 2;
uint32 mode = 3;
int32 ret = 15;
message rmdir {
string path = 1;
int32 ret = 15;
message flush {
string path = 1;
file_info fi = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message opendir {
string path = 1;
file_info fi = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message releasedir {
string path = 1;
file_info fi = 2;
int32 ret = 15;
message create {
string path = 1;
uint32 mode = 2;
file_info fi = 3;
int32 ret = 15;
message unlink {
string path = 1;
int32 ret = 15;
message rename {
string path = 1;
string new = 2;
int32 ret = 15;